Internal Dataset

Effect of SSP370 and SSP245 on the future carbon sink for the conterminous U.S.

UID: 16
Author(s): Benjamin S. Felzer
This study uses a modeling approach to compare a middle‐of‐the‐road (SSP245) versus rocky road (SSP370) scenario for the conterminous United States. While both scenarios result in a carbon sink by the end of the century, it is larger in SSP245, due to less deforestation and more moderate climate. This modeling study explores how elevated atmosphere CO2, climate warming, and land use and land cover change (LULCC) will affect the direction and magnitude of the terrestrial carbon sink during the 21st century for the conterminous United States.
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Associated Publications
Felzer, Benjamin S. 2024. “Modeling the Future Carbon Sink: Land‐use and Climate Change May Offset CO2 Fertilization in the United States.” Plants, People, Planet, November, 1.
Dataset Format(s)
Powerpoint Presentation, GZ, ZIP, xlsx
Dataset Size
369.18 MB