Internal Dataset

Effect of Land Use and Land Cover Change in Context of Growth Enhancements in the U.S. since 1700: Net Source or Sink?

UID: 6
Author(s): Benjamin S. Felzer
Dataset consists of model code, model input files (used to drive the model), and model output files. "Here we take a modeling approach that involves a full carbon accounting to include the effect of previous human-induced land use changes and management during a period of abiotic changes to the environment since the 1700s. The goal is to show how land use and land cover change has affected carbon loss in the context of other environmental changes like climate, elevated CO2, and nitrogen deposition that tend to enhance growth."
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Free to All
Dataset can be freely downloaded as a zip file
Associated Publications
Felzer, B. S., & Jiang, M. (2018). Effect of land use and land cover change in context of growth enhancements in the United States since 1700: Net source or sink? Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123, 3439–3457.
Dataset Format(s)
Microsoft Excel, Plain Text, DAT, XML, Microsoft Word, CPP, CTEM, H, XTEM, USA48, DATA, GZ, ECD, USTOT, FOR, MAP, PRO, PS, ZIP
Grant Support
NSF Macrosystems Biology Program. Grant Number: 1137306/National Science Foundation